Why Whole Grain Products are Healthy
"Positive" Health benefits of other whole grain products:
There must be more than 1500 or more well controlled, important studies, proving without doubt the health benefits of consuming 3 or more portions of unrefined, whole grain products a day. The key is which " products,"not a slice or two of bread. Scientific articles like these below have flood the medical literature from the late 1990's to today:"Whole Grains Prevent Hypertension""Whole Grains Prevent Diabetes." "Whole Grain Consumption and Risk of Coronary Artery Disease-The Nurses Health Study"
Drs. Stampfer and Willet from Harvard Medical school were the first to link whole grains to the prevention of heart disease in a study of 75, 000 nurses followed for ten years. Here is a summary of what they found as far as the number of cardiovascular events when comparing different types of whole grain products:
Note the marked difference between the "dark bread" and the rest of the products. The "dark bread" eaters had more heart disease! The proven health benefits of "whole grain" products do not apply to a slice of two of wheat or whole grain bread. Whole grain bread is whole grain, but the proven benefits of the whole grain products does not apply to whole grain breads.
Why whole grain bread is different from the other whole grain products:
Stampler and Willit, point out that these differences were not the vitamins or minerals, nor the fact that the white bread was refined. They suggest the physical properties of whole grain products, unlike that found in the breads, may retard digestion and absorption time from the stomach. Other authors attribute the difference to "particle size." They refer to the fact that all of the breads have similar glycemic indices's as compared to the great differences in the glycemic indices of refined vs. whole grain products such as brown rice, whole grain cereals and and bran.
Maybe people that eat whole grain products are more "health" conscious:
Other studies suggest that women who eat whole grain products have a healthier lifestyle in terms of smoking, exercise, weight control as compared to women eating white bread. This is always a possible issue in every study and is left unanswered. The people that volunteer for diet studies might just be different than the average person.
Many more studies also fail to show that whole grain is any different than white bread in terms of cardiovascular or cancer complications. What about weight loss?
Diets plans high in whole grains products produce no more weight loss than any other diet.
All of the recent evidence proves that there is no difference in weight loss between high carb, low carb, high fat, low fat diets at the end of 2 years-even diet plans with carbs ranging from 35 to 65% of the total calories for the day! Dieters trying to eat 10 almonds go back to 1/2 the can and those eliminating pasta go right back to the big plate of spaghetti.
In summary:
1. Whole gain products other than breads, may decrease cancer and heart disease.
2. This does not apply to whole grain breads vs. white breads where there is no difference.
3. No evidence is found that one can lose more weight eating whole grain breads vs. white bread.
4. All of the most recent evidence proves that there no more weight loss benefit from restricting carbs than there is from restricting fat.
5. People do not gain weight any more from breads than any other food with similar calories, carbs, and fat.
We are told to avoid white bread like as if it were the devil's offering and encouraged to have a 1/2 a chicken and and a Caesar salad (all no carbs!) instead of a turkey sandwich with lettuce, tomato and mustard for lunch. Judge yourself which is better.