Richard Lipman MD Miami Diet Plan
7241 sw 63 ave Miami, Fl 33143
Phone: (305) 670-3259
25.7103 N 80.2952 W
Lose weight, improve blood pressure, cholesterol & live longer with Miami Diet Plan
The 100 Calorie Secret is Turning The Diet Industry Upside Down. A Weight Loss Doctor Finally Reveals the Secret of  How to Lose Weight Without Dieting Ever Again        Lose 10, 20, 30 and More Pounds Right Now! 
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Diplomat of American Board of Internal Medicine
Endocrinology & Metabolic Disorders

health benefits of weight loss

Physical and Psychological Benefits from Dr Lipman's Miami Diet Plan

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In this age of instant gratification it is common and understandable for people to take the same approach to their weight loss and try any quick fix. The research indicates that gradual and sustained weight loss is not only healthier but more successful in the long term. Losing weight can be accomplished by simple dietary and physical activity changes that are sustained over time. 

Healthy weight loss is more about adapting a healthier lifestyle than it is about just going on a diet for a period of time to lose some weight. Just increasing your nutrition and physical activity slightly will allow you to make the gradual changes that can be sustained over your lifetime, instead of the all at once change that fizzles out after a few weeks or months. People respond much better to gradual changes over weeks, months, or even years and the studies show that the more gradual but consistent weight loss is more successful in the long term. Adopting little changes such as eating more vegetables or walking more will translate into healthy weight loss that you can feel good about and continue working towards.

The good news about healthy weight loss is that you will begin to feel and notice the positive health effects with a reduction as little as 5-10% of body weight. Your energy will increase, aches or pains will decrease, and your self-esteem will increase. Using all of these positive health effects to reinforce your resolve and continue with your weight loss will translate into even more success. Healthy weight loss takes time but you may begin to notice the positive effects in as little as a week. Keeping a journal or some form of data tracking will help you to see the progress that you have made and provide you with the extra motivation on the days that you need it the most.

People usually think that if they are overweight or obese that they have to lose all of the excess weight to see any benefits. But often they can experience some of the benefits with just modest weight loss; as little as 10lbs. With more than half of all Americans being overweight or obese we can all benefit from some weight loss. The benefits that can be seen from weight loss range from disease prevention to increasing your energy levels, and best of all these benefits can begin to show with as little as 10lbs of weight loss.

Being even slightly overweight is associated with and increases the risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and sleep disorders. There has been research to support that losing as little as 7-10% of your weight starts to reverse these risks and are much more effective than just taking the medications for the symptoms. Little lifestyle changes regarding nutrition and physical activity can result in this seemingly effortless weight loss and allow you to reap all of the benefits of being at a healthy weight.

The extended health benefits to lowering your body weight can be witnessed by their ability to reverse or prevent diabetes, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, improve sleep difficulties, and improve your overall quality of life. If you are on medications right now for diabetes, blood pressure, or similar health conditions, you may be able to reduce or eliminate the need to take these medication with sufficient weight loss.

According to the latest research 90% of all diabetes, 80% of heart disease and 60% of cancers can be prevented with healthier lifestyles and maintaining a healthy body weight. Starting small and building on the momentum will allow you to reap all of the benefits of weight loss and can be accomplished with simple changes in your nutrition and physical activity.

The benefits of weight loss cannot be overstated. Your quality and length of life will increase with every pound that you lose. Remember that it probably took years to put the extra weight on and you should be patient with your weight loss efforts. Start small, take action and stay consistent.

Getting to your healthy weight may seem like an impossibly large task but setting small goals and taking consistent action will help you accomplish these goals quickly and more easily. Learning and implementing tiny changes in nutrition and exercise will slowly start to accumulate and snowball as you feel better and better. Your physical and mental health depends on maintaining a healthy weight and this will be accomplished through tiny consistent actions.
health benefits of weight loss
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dr lipmans diet

Richard Lipman MD Miami Diet Plan
7241 SW 63 Ave
Miami,Fl 33143 USA
(305) 670-3259