Richard Lipman MD Miami Diet Plan
7241 sw 63 ave Miami, Fl 33143
Phone: (305) 670-3259
25.7103 N 80.2952 W
Miami Diet & Weight Loss Doctor Lipman shows you how to get started on you weight loss plan
The 100 Calorie Secet is Turning The Diet Industry Upside Down. A Weight Loss Doctor Finally Reveals the Secret of  How to Lose Weight Without Dieting Ever Again        Lose 10, 20, 30 and More Pounds Right Now! 
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 Ready To Get Started With Your Weight Loss?

 What to Expect on Your First Hour Long Consultation with Dr Lipman:
Dr Lipman's program requires an hour long initial consultation. Please allow at least 90 minutes for the whole visit. Return visits are scheduled every two weeks. These visits take 15 minutes. You  are free to visit the office every week for a free "weigh-in." 

Review Your Personal Medical History:
Dr Lipman will first review all of your medical history & complicating problems to  discover any underlying metabolic problems. If you have high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease or thyroid problems. Dr Lipman will include these problems in a workable weight loss plan.

Obtain a Baseline Metabolic Profile:
Your personal information including food you eat, exercise, height, weight, age, gender are entered into a computer program. You will get a print out  of your BMI, ideal weight, current calories, calories, carbs, protein to lose and then maintain your weight. An individual exercise plan is presented. 

Obtain A Baseline Chemistry, Cardiac and Hormonal
Profile:  A  complete blood analysis including sugar, 
cholesterol (good & bad),triglycerides, liver function, minerals, 
kidney and thyroid function are obtained.

Discover Why You Are Gaining Weight:
Dr Lipman will help you discover the most important reasons why you are gaining weight. On your hour long person to person consultation  you will quickly not only see your secrets causing 80% of  all your problems but how simple it is to  make a few changes from foods that surround you  you all day. 

No Unusual Foods, Recipes, Cooking,Counting, Weighing:
Your personal plan will not be a "diet" so there is no eliminating one food for another, no counting, no eliminating carbs, fats or protein. You will eat everything you like from foods that surround you all day. 

Discovering the 100 Calorie Secrets to Easy and Permanent Weight Loss:
Designed for the whole family, you will you use the same plan that thousands of people with problems similar to you own have used successfully to first lose and then keep their weight  off. 

How Do I Find What's To Eat?
Dr Lipman has designed all the food choices in pocket size, colorful meal menus, one for each meal and one for snacks. They show you numerous choices, portions and preparations. Brand product suggestions are presented on other cards.

What About the Rest of My Family?
This is a plan for the whole family, including spouses, children(as young as 6 years old)  and teens. If other members of your family need to lose weight, you are encouraged to bring them in with you on the second visit.  This free family consultation will include a eating history, discovering their diet secrets and a food plan tailored to their individual needs. 

Will I Be Given Prescription Weight Loss Medications?
This depends upon your individual medical history, how many pounds you need to lose, and if you are taking other medications that might interfere.

When Do I Return?
You are free to return every week to the office for a weight-in at no charge.You will be seen by Dr Lipman every two weeks after the first visit. 

Will Insurance Cover My Visit?
In general insurance will not pay for weight loss office visits or medications. If you have had an EKG and or blood tests including a CBC, SMA-12 and thyroid profile in the last 6 months bring them with you and you will receive a
credit. On some occasions laboratory tests are covered. In that case you also will receive a credit.  

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Dr Lipman Shows You How to Start the Miami Diet Plan, Miami, Fl33143

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