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Contact Dr Lipman and About Dr Lipman and His Office in Miami, Fl 33143
Richard Lipman MD Miami Diet Plan
Born: Pittsburgh, PA 2/27/42
University of Pittsburgh, B.S., 1962
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, M.D., 1966
Internal Medicine, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Hospitals, 1967
Internal Medicine, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Hospitals, 1968
University of Miami, Jackson Memorial, 1970–1972
United States Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine, 1968–1970
Assistant Chief, Endocrinology Group
Assistant Chief, Endocrinology Clinic, Wilford Hall, USAF Hospital,
research in metabolism and obesity
Fellowship: Endocrinology and Metabolism: Jackson Memorial Hospital,
University of Miami School of Medicine 1970–1972, research in
metabolism and obesity
Boards: Board certified in internal medicine, 1972
Board eligible in endocrinology, 1972
Private Practice: Internal medicine and endocrinology, 1972 to present, Miami, FL
Hospitals: Cedars Hospital, Larkin Hospital in Miami
Honorary Societies: Phi Beta Kappa–1966
Alpha Omega Alpha–1966
Charter Member American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists,
Florida Association of Internal Medicine, American Diabetes
Association, Endocrine Society, American Association of Bariatric
Lipman, R.L. The Healthy Aura: Is Eating Low Fat, Lite, Low Carb or Healthy Preventing Americans from Losing Weight? American Journal of Bariatric Medicine. 2007;22(1):18–23.
Lipman, R.L. Exenatide in the Treatment of Morbid Obesity. Accepted for publication, American Journal of Bariatric Medicine. Sept 2007.
Lipman, J.M., Lipman, R.L. The Tape Measure or the Scale: Physicians Guide to Measurement of Obesity. Submitted for publication, Postgraduate Medicine. July 2007.
Older Publications:
Sapira, J.D., Lipman, R.L., and Shapiro, A.P.: The Effect of Restraint on Free Fatty Acid Mobilization in Rats. Psychosomatic Medicine 27:165, 1966.
Lipman, R.L., Tyrell, E., Small, J., and Shapiro, A.P.: Evaluation of Antibiotic Therapy in E. Coli Pyelonephritis in Rats. J. Lab. and Clin. Med. 67:546, 1966.
Lipman, R.L., Johnson, B., Berg, G., and Shapiro, A.P.: Idiopathic Retroperitoneal Fibrosis in a Patient with Probable Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. J. Amer. Med. Assoc. 196:204, 1965.
Sapira, J.D., Lipman, R.L., and Shapiro, A.P.: Hyperresponsitivity to Angiotensin Induced in Rats by Behavioral Stimulation. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med.123:52, 1966.
Lipman, R. L., and Shapiro, A. P.: Effects of Behavioral Stimulation on Blood Pressure of Rats with Experimental Pyelonephritis. Psychosomatic Medicine 29:6, 1967.
Lipman, R.L., and Shapiro, A.P.: Experimental Pyelonephritis in DCA-Hypertensive Rats: Effect of Antibiotic Therapy on the Acceleration of the Hypertension. Investigative Urology 7:521, 1970.
Lipman, R. L., Raskin, P., and Preuss, H.: Failure of Cirrhotic Sera to Inhibit Renal Tubule Hippurate Transport In Vitro. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. and Med. 131:936, 1969.
Lipman, R.L., McDonald, R.H., and Shapiro, A.P.: Insoluble Oxytetracycline in Experimental Pyelonephritis: Studies on the Role of Antibiotic Persistence in the Kidney. Chemotherapy 16:300–312, 1971.
Lipman, R.L., Schnure, J., Bradley, E., and Lecocq, F.R.: Impairment of Peripheral Glucose Utilization in Normal Subjects by Bed Rest. J. Lab. and Clin. Med. 76:221, 1970.
Lipman, R.L., Ulvedal, F., Schnure, J., Bradley, E., and Lecocq, F.R.: Gluco-regulatory Hormone Response to 2¬deoxy-D-Glucose Infusion in Normal Subjects. Metabolism 19:980, 1970.
Lipman, R.L., Ulvedal, F., Brown, W., Leverett, S., Lecocq, F. and Schnure, J.J.: Metabolic Response to Acceleration in Man. Aerospace Medicine 41:905, 1970.
Schnure, J. and Lipman, R.L.: Physiologic Studies of Growth Hormone Secretion During Sleep: Impairment in Glucose Tolerance and Nonsuppressibility by Hyperglycemia. J. Clin. Endo. and Metab. 33:234, 1971.
Lipman, R.L., Raskin, P., Love, T., Lecocq, F.R., and Schnure, J.J.: Impairment in Peripheral Glucose Uptake by Decreased Physical Activity: Evidence for Peripheral Insulin Resistance. Diabetes 21:104, 1972.
Love, T., Schnure, J., Larkin, W., Lecocq, F.R., and Lipman, R.L.: Glucose Intolerance in Man During Prolonged Exposure To A Hypobarichyperoxic Environment. Diabetes 20:262, 1971.
Raskin, P., Lipman, R.L., and Oloff, L.M.: Effect of Hyperparic Oxygen On Liquid Peroxidation in the Lung Aerospace Medicine 42:75, 1971.
Taylor, A., Lipman, R.L., Salem, A., and Mintz, D.H.: Hepatic Clearance of Growth Hormone in Normal Patients and in Patients with Laennec's Cirrhosis. J. Clin. Endo. and Metab. 34:395, 1972.
Lipman, R.L., Taylor, A., Conly, P., and Mintz, D.H.: Metabolic Clearance Rate of Growth Hormone in Juvenile Onset Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes 21:175, 1972.
Lipman, R.L., Taylor, A.L., and Mintz, D.H.: Inhibition of Nocturnal Growth Hormone Release by Free Fatty Acids. J. Clin. Endo. and Metab. 35:592, 1972.
Bricker, L. and Lipman, R.: Hyperlipoproteinemias. Acta Dietologica Latina 9: Supp 2, Dec. 1972.
Ellis, J.P., Lecocq, F.R., Garcia, J.B., and Lipman, R.L.: Forearm Amino and Metabolism During Chronic Physical Inactivity. Aerospace Medicine 45 (1):15, 1974.
Sapira, J.D., Lipman, R.L., and Shapiro, A.P.: The Effect of Restraint On Free Fatty Acid Mobilization in Rats. Psychosomatic Medicine 26: 633, 1964. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, April 1964, San Francisco, California.
Lipman, R.L. and Shapiro, A.P.: Evaluation of Antibiotics in Acute Pyelonephritis in: Rats. Clinical Research 14:311, 1966.
Sapira, J.D., Lipman, R. L., and Shapiro, A.P.: Hypersensitivity to Angiotensin Induced in Rats by Stress. Clinical "Research 14:44, 1965. Presented at the Southern Section, American Federation for Clinical Research, January 1966, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Lipman, R.L., Braude, A.I., and Shapiro, A.P.: Insoluble Tetracycline in Experimental Pyelonephritis. Proc. of the Third International Congress of Nephrology, September "1966. Presented at the Third Congress of Nephrology, Washington, D.C.
Lipman, R. L., Connamacher, R., McDonald, R.H., and Shaprio, A.P.: Renal Penetration of Insoluble and Soluble Tetracycline in Experimental Pyelonephritis. Clinical Research 16:389, 1968.
Lipman, R. L., Ulvedal, F., Schnure, J., Bradley, E. and Lecocq, R.: Gluco-regulatory Hormone Response to 2-Deoxy ¬D-Glucose Infusion in Normal Subjects. Clinical Research 17:590, 1969. Presented at the Eastern Section, American Federation for Clinical Research, December 1969.
Lipman, R.L., Ulvedal, F., Bradley, E. and Lecocq. R.: Inhibition of Peripheral Glucose Utilization by Bed rest. The Physiologist 12: 285, 1969. Presented at the annual meeting, American Physiological Association, Davis, California, August 1969.
Lipman, R.L., Love, T., Bradley, E., Lecocq, R., and Schnure, J.: Diminished Forearm Glucose Uptake in Subjects at Bed rest. Clinical Research 18:32, 1970. Presented at the Southern Section, American Federation for Clinical Research, New Orleans, Louisiana, and January 1970.
Lipman, R.L., Schnure, J., Love, T., and Lecocq, R.: Control of Glucose Metabolism at Bed rest in Man. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the United States Air Force Society of Physicians, San Antonio, Texas, February 1970.
Lipman, R. L., Schnure, J., Love, T., and Lecocq. R.: Diminished Forearm Glucose Uptake In Man at Bed rest. Presented at the National Meeting, American Federation for Clinical Research, Atlantic City, N.J., and May 1970.
Schnure, J., and Lipman, R.L.: Studies of Growth Hormone Secretion During Sleep: Nonsuppressibility by Hyperglycemia and Impairment: in Glucose Tolerance. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society, St. Louis, Missouri, June 1970.
Love, T., Lipman, R., Schnure, J., Larkin, E., and Lecocq, R.: Glucose Intolerance in Man During Exposure to a Hypobarichyperoxic Environment. Presented at the National Meeting of the American Diabetes Association, St. Louis', Missouri, June 1970.
Lipman, R.L., Ulvedal, F., Bradley, E., Schnure, J., and Lecocq, R.: Metabolic Response to Acceleration. Presented at the Aerospace Medical Association Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, April 1970.
Lecocq, F.R., Lipman; R.L.: Alterations in Glucose Insulin Interrelationships in Man at Bed rest. Presented at the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Mexican Society of Nutrition and Endocrinology, Acapulco, Mexico, December 1970.
Lipman, R.L., Schenk, A., Taylor, A.L., and Mintz, D.H.: Regulation of Growth Hormone Release: Effect of Estrogen on Feedback Control. Clinical Research 19:51, 1971.
Taylor, A.L., Lipman, R.L., and Mintz, D.H.: Peripheral and Hepatic Clearance of Growth Hormone in Humans. Presented at the Second International Growth Hormone Symposium, May 1971, Milan, Italy. Excerpta Medica 236:43, 1971.
Schnure, J.J., and Lipman, R.L.: Glucose Intolerance Following Growth Hormone Secretion During Sleep. Excerpta Medica 236:56, 1971.
Lipman, R.L., Taylor, A.L., and Mintz, D.H.: Hepatic Clearance of Growth Hormone in Humans: Clinical Research 19:478, 1971.
Lipman, R.L. Taylor, A. Schenk, A., and Mintz, D.H.: Dissociation of Deep Sleep Growth Hormone Release by Growth Hormone and Free Fatty Acids. Clinical Research 20:56, 1972.
Lipman, R.L., Taylor, A., Schenk, A., and Mintz, Acromegaly: A Disorder of Growth Hormone Feed Clinical Research 20:432, 1972.
Recent Publications of Richard Lipman M.D.
Richard Lipman MD: Miami Diet Plan
7241 SW 63 ave Miami, Fl 33143
Richard Lipman MD Miami Diet Plan
7241 SW 63 Ave
Miami,Fl 33143 USA
(305) 670-3259
Richard Lipman MD Miami Diet Plan
Endocrinologist and weight loss specilist Dr Richard Lipman treats overweight and people with metabolic disorders in his Miami, Fl office. Lose 5 lbs per week with his new Miami Diet Plan and FDA approved diet medications.
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305 670 3259